Thameside District held their annual conference at Harvel Village Hall on Friday, October 15. Christine Denyer from the West Kent Federation Executive Committee chaired the meeting.

Reports were read out from the eight institutes in the district. During the year, their members had enjoyed many speakers and demonstrations and regular activities including darts, badminton, art, craft, quizzes, whist, bridge and scrabble, as well as outings and events arranged by their WI's, district and country federations. They had also continued to support the campaigns based on the resolutions passed at recent AGMs including Children's Diets and Health, Rural Post Offices and the EU moratorium on Genetically Modified Foods.

The speaker at the meeting was David Aspinal, who gave an insight into the TV programme "Water Colour Challenge". He had taken part in the Kent rounds, painting at the Pantiles, Tunbridge Wells and winning the final at Scotney Castle. He had many paintings on show and said no one is ever too old to take up painting.

The district secretary, Sylvia Shepherd, then read her report and reminded members that the district lunch will be on Thursday, November 18 at the North West Kent College, the carol service at 2.30pm on December 6 at St Peter and St Pail's Church, Shorne and the district activities meeting at 7.30pm on January 24 at Shorne Village Hall. Harvel WI were thanked for their hospitality and a busy and enjoyable meeting came to a close.