Members' Night in October was organised by a sub-committee so that the main committee members could have a night off. This year Alison Millar headed a band of helpers to organise a splendid evening.

Everyone was invited to wear black and white and all the tables were decorated with white cloths and black and white napkins. White floating candles in bowls of black liquid formed the initial lighting, giving a real spooky atmosphere! Then, as of by magic, a terrible thunderstorm erupted for real! Lightening, thunder and torrential rain added to the feel of the evening - how well timed!

After shortened committee reports, members were provided with a superb light supper. White and red wine or fruit juice accompanied the meal, which was followed by a sweet.

Entertainment for the evening continued with a magical theme and Mr Ron Escott delighted us with his memory tricks and mind bending exercises with words and cards, which has us all participating. Very enjoyable and a lovely end to the evening.

A hearty round of applause was given to Mr Escott and our president in turn gave a well deserved vote of thanks to Alison and her fellow sub-committee for such a lovely evening - well done.

Before our next meeting, members are looking forward to a trip to Southend-on-Sea and a concert at the Royal Albert Hall. We really do pack a lot in! come and join us.