In November we enjoyed hearing about some of the Famous Victorians of the Borough'. Adrian Green from Bromley Museum brought a medley of notable characters to life in an interesting and lively fashion in his illustrated talk.

Amongst those mentioned were William Willett, advocate of daylight savings' hence the introduction of summer time'; Sir John Lubbock, the 1st Lord Avebury who lived at High Elms, banker, scientist, politician who introduced Bank Holidays; Napoleon III following his loss of power in France retired to Chislehurst; Enid Blyton the well known author of over 700 childrens' books.

At a recent gathering the Macmillan Nurses fund was enhanced by a successful Coffee Morning and in support of Harris HospisCare we will have a display at the Hayes Free Church Christmas Tree Festival during 3-12 December.

We will next meet at 7.45pm on Wednesday December 1, at Pickhurst Junior School Hall for a talk entitled 100 Years of Market Trading' by Mrs Vivien Whitehouse. As this is our Christmas social evening relatives and friends will be welcome to join us.'