My partner swears that he saw a child walk from our hall into our kitchen. He said that although the child had shoulder length blonde hair he knew that it was a boy. He didn't see the face, only the back. I believe him because he looked terrified. Can you help?

We lost our best friend recently to a sudden death and I was wondering if this is connected in some way? I need to get some peace of mind on this. - Barbara Ryan, Ireland.

Graham says ... When spirits come back to visit they can present themselves at any age they lived at, which generally would be the age they were happiest, or the age where things started to go wrong, causing negative emotions which cause disease.

I feel this was your friend coming back, partly to reassure you about life after death and partly to tell you what went wrong in life and when it went wrong.

Your friend may not have confided in you but I felt abuse as a child.

Anyway, if it happens again just acknowledge the presence and say you know what happened.

Your partner must be naturally more psychic than you so developing as a medium is an option to consider.

If you have asked Graham a question please email to let us know how his answers affect you and how accurate they prove to be.