The Gunpowder Plot has become such a celebratory event and almost a traditional right-of-passage for so many young Britons.

With the notable smell of sulphur wafting in the autumn air, firework showers decorate the skies, painting brilliant, colourful pictures on a huge canvas.

We normally attend firework parties and bonfire nights and commemorate – without realizing what we are actually supposed to be remembering.

The fifth of November is more than just a mesmerizing night of firework displays. So, the question is what is the meaning behind it?

In 1605, Guy Fawkes, a devout catholic, attempted to blow up the Houses of Parliament in London with the intention to kill the king, James I.

He was caught in the cellars with several barrels of gunpowder. Consequently he was labelled a traitor together with his co-conspirators for plotting against the government.

Guy Fawkes was sentenced to death, his form of execution being one of the most gruesome of all – he was reportedly hung, drawn and quartered, before being burned at the stake.

The actual attempt, if you think about it, would be considered an act of terrorism today.

Terrorism is defined as ‘the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, for political purposes’, which is exactly what these plotters had in mind.

Unable to bring about the political changes they sought in a fair and diplomatic fashion, they undertook one of the first acts of terrorism.

It is interesting to note how such radical and extreme deeds have undoubtedly always existed and been adopted, and are not just a contemporary issue we now face.

Remember, remember the fifth of November; gunpowder, treason and plot. I see no reason why gunpowder, treason should ever be forgotten.