The Hayes Horticultural Society celebrates the end of the 2009 gardening season with two events; the Chrysanthemum Show, which took place on Saturday 7 November and an illustrated talk – ‘Behind the Scenes at the Hampton Court Flower Festival 2009’ which will take place at 8pm on Thursday 19 November.

For over 100 years the Hayes Horticultural Society has encouraged local gardeners of all abilities in the cultivation of fruits, flowers and vegetables. It currently holds four shows a year and members compete for prizes using horticultural, culinary and artistic skill.

Juniors compete in a selection of categories including the cultivation of fruit, flowers and vegetables and other creative skills.

Nine year old Elizabeth Kelly (pictured) was presented with the Junior Trophy for gaining the highest number of points in the Junior section of the show.

She gained first prize for her arrangement of berries and foliage and also first prize for her dish of peppermint creams.

Awards for the 2009 season included the James Grandfield Memorial Trophy for the winner of the best flowers, which was won by Doug Wingrave and The Society’s Victory Challenge Bowl awarded to the overall winner of 2009, which was won by Alan Cheeseman.

Helen Cordingley achieved the highest number of points in the Domestic Classes and Liz Clark the highest number of points in the Floral Art Classes throughout the year.

The 2009 season culminates in an event which is to be held at St Francis Church Hall, Ravenswood Avenue, West Wickham, BR4 0PW at 8pm on Thursday 19 November.

Local nurseryman Julian Fitz-Earle from the Heather Society and garden designers Claire Bryant and Jackie Edwards will give an illustrated talk about their part in this year’s Royal Horticultural Society Hampton Court Garden Festival when they were awarded a Silver-Gilt medal for garden design– an amazing achievement for the designers who left university less than three years ago. Anyone interested in listening to the presentation would be welcome, tickets are available on the door, price £1 to include refreshments. For further information please contact Brenda Cordingley on 020 8462 3867.

For more information about the Hayes Horticultural Society visit