Their annual meeting gave members an opportunity to look back on the previous year’s activities which offered something for everyone including outings of historical interest, theatre trips, quiz, drama, scrabble and craft sessions plus much more. New committee members were appointed and everyone was delighted with the re-election of their President. September and October proved to be just as busy as previous months with six members joining teams from the local District WIs who gathered for a friendly game of ten-pin bowling. It proved to be a thoroughly enjoyable event with colleagues from Petts Wood being the most successful. Two other events attended by members were also very successful and organised by the WI’s West Kent Federation. At a Kent Day members heard about local products and the conservation of rural Kent. The second event, a Medieval Day, about all aspects of life in the Middle Ages covered fashions from the period, their food and included a cookery demonstration. Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 2.00 pm in Farnborough Village Hall.

Visitors and new members warmly welcomed. For further information, please contact 01689 820541.