A ROTARY club is claiming it has once again organised the best firework show around to help raise cash for charity.

Chislehurst Rotary Club’s annual fireworks display and funfair on November 7 is supported by News Shopper and will take place on the town’s recreation ground.

Chislehurst rotarian Tony Wells said: “This is the best firework show in the area and has a well-deserved local reputation for being a fun event.

“Every penny of profit goes to a range of deserving charities here and abroad. In a good year that means around £10,000 or more.

”Gates to the show in Walden Road and Empress Drive open at 6pm with the fireworks starting at 7.30pm.

Tickets costing £4.50 for adults and £2.50 for kids are available from selected shops in Chislehurst, Petts Wood and Mottingham before the event.