A HERITAGE group has launched a legal campaign to prevent a Sikh temple being demolished.

SAVE, which campaigns to preserve historic buildings, has been granted a judicial review into Gravesham Council’s decision to permit the demolition of the Siri Guru Nanak Darbar Gurdwara in Gravesend.

Developer Thamesview Living plans to knock down the 137-year-old temple in Clarence Place and replace it with 19 flats and two houses.

SAVE director William Palin said: “The motive for demolition seems to be purely financial and there is little evidence the feasibility of other uses have been seriously investigated.”

The Gurdwara Management Committee decided to sell the building to the developer for £3.1m to raise money for the new £13m temple it is constructing in Khalsa Avenue.

General secretary Narinder Singh says it had been trying to sell the building for re-use for two years before accepting Thamesview Living’s offer.

A council spokesman said the decision to permit the developer’s plans was “reached correctly”.

The case is due to be heard at the High Court on September 4.