As a member of “the liberal chattering classes” and a busy mum, who doesn’t work all day long at a computer terminal, I feel compelled to write in defence of JHopper, who was treated so rudely because of her comments on a recent blog written by Excalibur.

Firstly Excalibur, the self-proclaimed “outer” of truth is nothing of the sort. He is just a very opinionated right-wing mouthpiece with too high regard for his own views.

JHopper made some valid points about the omission of allegations of torture on Excalibur’s blog about a Met Police investigation into Binyan Mohammed’s detention in Morocco.

After telling her she was “stupid” because she appeared not to have read an earlier post on the subject, I took the time to read the blog in question, in which Excalibur claimed to have laid out all of the “facts” of the story (Binyam Mohamed – a question of credibility......) The “facts” include this passage which glosses over the Mr Mohammed’s conversion to Islam in 2001, just prior to his trip to Pakistan and his recovery from a life of drug addiction: “And like every other British citizen or “resident” who’s been released from Guantanamo, Mohamed has failed to come up with anything like a convincing explanation for why he was even in the region when arrested. Even their own versions of events make them seem guilty. After all, people who travel on false passports to war-torn countries are never innocents.”

His blog also includes this fact: “The British security Services do not torture people”. Surely the point of the investigation would be to prove or disprove the allegations. And anyway the allegation is not that the British intelligence officers tortured Mr Mohammed but that they provided torturers in Morocco with information which they fed to Mr Mohammed in an attempt to make him corroborate it under duress.

Further more there is this piece of paranoid speculation: “This investigation is simply a huge smokescreen by the government and an attempt to deflect all of the criticism for their failure to release the dossier on their decision to go to war in Iraq – the “sexed-up” dossier, which contains details of the government pressing the Security Services to make the claim on weapons of mass destruction “as firm as possible”. It is also an attempt to appease the far left of their party, who have never forgiven the government for going to war in the first place and who have a pathological hatred for the Security Services.”

Sorry Excalibur but this hardly represents the facts of the story and you certainly cannot claim to be writing without a clear political bias. As you are writing a blog and you are clearly not a journalist yourself, there is nothing wrong with your opinions. But please have the humility to acknowledge this and the good manners to allow other bloggers to express their views without ridicule.