THE diary of events has again kept members busy.

A popular outing took them on a very informative and interesting guided tour of the Houses of Parliament and the Jewel Tower.

Two theatre trips were also popular, firstly for the production of Cabaret at the Churchill Theatre and a further trip to London to see Calendar Girls.

A group of members was given a very friendly and hospitable welcome when they met with their twin WI at Wye.

Their visit also included a tour of the historical village.

At their June meeting their guest speaker, Christina O’Donnel, told of her life caring for a herd of 60 llamas and 16 alpacas.

Native to the Andes region of South America where they are used as pack animals, Christina explained how they are sometimes used to protect sheep from foxes as they make good guard animals.

The llamas are the taller of the two breeds standing at about six feet, whereas alpacas are much shorter. We also learnt that llamas, which are very inquisitive, make good pets and can be taken for a walk on a trekking day which Christina organises at her farm near Wadhurst.

Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 2pm in Farnborough Village Hall.

Visitors and new members are warmly welcomed.

For further information, call 01689 820541