CHILDREN in Bexley primary schools have been issued with “passports for health” to help them to adopt a healthier lifestyle.

The children have been encouraged to complete a different task each day, and for each task completed, they got their “passport” stamped.

The tasks included marching, to focus on the benefits of walking; tasting, to encourage healthy eating; walk and talk, to concentrate on the social aspects of walking, and thinking, to focus their minds on road and personal safety.

The initiative has been timed to coincide with the Walk to School initiative this month, which not only encourages walking to school but other physical activities throughout the day.

Bexley Council’s school travel co-ordinator, Jennifer Counsell, said: “We worked closely with our colleagues in the Healthy Schools team and Bexley School Sports Partnership to provide support, help and advice to schools, parents and children on the issue of travel to and from school.”