AT OUR May meeting members gathered to enjoy an excellent illustrated presentation by David Wood on Aspects of Argentina.

Over a period of 19 days using internal flights and long road trips, his party with guide visited a wide variety of locations with breathtaking views.

The snow-capped Andes, the coloured mountains, unusual rock formations, the flowering cacti and wild flowers, array of wildlife and the spectacular waterfalls a width of 3km – the widest in the world - were beautifully portrayed.

The local people with their homesteads surrounding a simply styled but attractive church in remote places on the landscape provided additional interest in contrast to the cities with their civic buildings.

A fascinating country.

Our next meeting will be at 7.45pm on June 24 at the Rosary Catholic Church Hall, when the speaker will be Peter Whittle on Travels with a Camera.

A welcome awaits you to join in our variety of activities.

For more details, call 020 8777 1873.