Hello, I’m Jenny and I have a confession to make.

Yes, to those of you at Bluewater on Tuesday night, I did see the new Zac Efron film, chuckled my way through it and I’m not ashamed – although I probably should be at my age. This, however, is bigger game. Brace yourselves. I was defeated yet again by my craftiest nemesis – the coffee challenge.

Twice this week I’ve been turned down in buying a stranger’s latte which makes a hat-trick of failures in two weeks, and the ritual humiliation is starting to grate. Perhaps I’m just too keen.

Leaving me slightly stumped after feeling certain that the coffee offer would pay off, I appealed to my friends. They suggested all manner of things – letting some cars out during a traffic jam, buying a copy of the Big Issue, giving a bus driver a cupcake and one mentioned giving blood. I shuddered at this one, as the idea of getting jabbed with a big needle, drained of blood and possibly of collapsing in a heap doesn’t add up to the most jolly of afternoons in my mind.

However, it is possibly one of the best causes around and doing a good deed out of your comfort zone is what it’s all about.

Reassuringly, there was a big queue of folk jostling to hand over their blood when I turned up to the donation centre.

Everyone was very friendly and infinitely more generous with their platelets than me.

Fellow donors Peter Smith, aged 59, of Lamorbey Close, Sidcup, and Peter Curzon, aged 50, of Bexley, had given blood 129 times between them, with the former on his 75th donation.

You need to start giving early to keep up with these big-hearted (and veined!) chaps.

After a question session and pin prick test I was guided to a bed where I would lie down for the 10 minutes it takes to get a pint of blood.

Seeing I was a bit nervous, the lovely donor carers calmed me down with jokes and promises of a cuppa afterwards, and contrary to my thoughts it was a fairly quick and painless experience.

The strangest part was feeling how heavy my bag of blood was at the end.

We were even treated to a delicious selection of biscuits, snacks and juices afterwards which alone would tempt me for a return donation.

Legendary donor Val Craker should get a lifetime’s supply of biscuits considering it had been her 100th visit as a donor.

The 69-year-old, of Granville Road, Sidcup, received a special badge and certificate to commemorate the event.

As well as hopefully lending a hand to a few people, I got a real high from doing something out of my comfort zone and while I was there I was inspired to apply to the bone marrow register and book an appointment for platelet donation.

Donated blood can be used in all sorts of medical procedures and just one pint can help save three lives.

Go on, go for it, it’ll make you feel great!

To find your nearest blood donor session go to blood.co.uk

Kindness Club

News Shopper's Kindness Club offers rewards to people who do good deeds, such as those tried and achieved by Jenny.

The rewards come in the form of deals and discounts from local businesses who have joined the scheme.

To see how you can get involved, either as a business or as a person who wants to do good deeds, go to the Kindness Club section