SENIOR council staff are getting a below inflation pay rise.

A Bexley Council cabinet meeting has decided the 2.45 per cent rise, in comparison with a current inflation rate of 4.9 per cent, will be backdated to July this year.

The senior staff are all on pay rates graded by pay consultants the Hay Group, and the rise has been decided after looking at pay settlements elsewhere, as well as the council’s own financial position and its recruitment and retention situation.

Dartford and Kent councils settled their pay awards in April at 2.5 per cent, while other public sector pay awards range from 2.4 per cent to 3.2 per cent.

Pay rates for Hay graded employees of the council is currently below the average, but Bexley says despite this, it is not experiencing any recruitment problems although like other authorities it does have some “hard to fill” posts such as social workers.

Some legal and valuation staff have special salary scales and they too will get only a 2.45 per cent increase.

Bexley had already allowed enough cash for a 2.5 per cent rise.