MOTORcyclists proved they are no Hell’s Angels when they interrupted a race to protect a family of feathered friends.

Members of the Sidcup and District Motorcycle Club showed they were all heart when guarding a duck which had nested precariously on their motocross track at Canada Heights, in Button Street, Swanley.

The mallard laid five eggs in a hay bail, which the club uses to skirt a tree as a safety measure on the course.

Club press officer Brian Edwards, 68, explained it was impossible to cancel a full race meeting, so members stood guard to ensure the duck would not be disturbed as she waited for her eggs to hatch.

Despite flying off twice due to the noise, members managed to coax the duck back to her nest.

Mr Edwards said: “Fortunately, she produced her little brood and they have now all flown the nest.” The club’s tractor is also out of action because a bird nested in its engine.

Mr Edwards said: “It’s not unusual having birds in our equipment but to have a duck so close to the course was a bit of a problem.”