The June meeting of JARA was their AGM. The group is now beginning their fourth year. The chairman Alan Challis was again voted in as Chairman for an-other year together with most of the existing committee.

John Morgan, who had been treasurer since the group’s formation, decided not to stand again and a new treasurer was appointed.

After the formal part of the meeting there were three presentations. John Morgan was given a gift and his wife was presented with a flower arrangement. Jean Radford, who also stepped down from the committee after three years, was also presented with chocolates and a flower arrangement.

The chairman then made a personal presentation to the secretary, Maureen Wheeler, thanking her for her help and support during the last three years. She received a bouquet of flowers.

After a break for refreshments, members were entertained by Jeff Wayne, who with his Irish wit and beautiful singing voice ended the afternoon on a perfect note.