EDITOR of Postal History and ABPS News Hugh Feldman gave a wonderful introduction to the romantic world of the steamboat era in the United States.

Although the first steamboat ran in 1787, it was not until 1808 one was commercially successful.

In 1825 the first two mail routes — on the Hudson River and Lake Champlain — were instigated under contract from the Post Office.

The numbers increased and eventually routes extended across 30 states. Some 10,000 steamers were used.

The next meeting is on November 19 when members from Purley Philatelic society will be visiting with their displays.

The society meets in the Public Hall, Bromley Road, Beckenham, Kent.

Visitors, guests and new members are always welcome. For more information, call 020 8778 7001 or go to beckenham.net/leisure.asp