Greetings fellow Bromley dancing fans - here I am again with another chunk of my Strictly Come Dancing goss.

What a week! Firstly, Strictly wins st the National Television Awards against X Factor - oh, the look on Simon Cowell's face was a classic. It goes to show that people are loving Strictly and it's getting the recognition it deserves.

But then also on Sunday it was time to say goodbye to the king of morning television Andrew Castle as he danced his final dance the samba with the gorgeous Ola, all dressed in pink.

It was a bit like a bad waiter in a Spanish restaurant serenading your mum on a night out - clumsy, awkward and nervous are my three words to sum this samba up.

Still, full marks to Andrew. He had a go and has lasted longer than I imagined.

Back to the other contestants, and what about the fabulous Heather this week? From chicken to flamingo to this week's 80s throw-back as she strutted her stuff through the cha cha to American Boy.

Well Bromley, that’s it for another week. Soon be panto season – oh yes it will.

I am next going to see American Briefs at the fabulous brand new Stag Theatre in Victoria so I will let you know the goss.

Simon appears in Sinderfella at the Stag Theatre, Victoria, December 3 to 23.