I thought that, for a change, rather than write about annoying people on my train, I would write about something I enjoyed.

I have a rather strange obsession with the musical We Will Rock You. Owing to my possession of a flyer entitling me to tickets for £20 when they should be £55 and working five minutes from the Dominion theatre, I have been so see the show eight or nine times in the four and a bit years it has been running.

I have to say I have loved every performance.

I went again on Tuesday and took some of my colleagues. I say "took" but they asked me to book the tickets so it wasn't as if I made them go.

If you've not heard about it, the show is loosely based around some of the better known songs of Queen and is set in a future where live music has been banned. However, the story is very light, poking fun at itself, Queen and Britney Spears, amongst other things.

The show wins my support because of the fabulous music, the great voices but most of all because of the chance to join in at the end.

It's one of those shows where the audience as much a part of the show as the cast. Audience participation in the final few numbers is key to the success of a performance of WWRY.

You can see how much of a buzz the cast get from this at the end. My colleague's sister was extremely vocal of her support and was actually acknowledged by one of the cast at the curtain call.

It has its critics. Some argue that it is not "real" musical theatre. Others that Ben Elton isn't good enough to write for the stage. Still others that it is populist mindless rubbish.

All of that may be true. However, the show is in its fifth year, I have yet to see someone not enjoy it and I will go again.