AFTER the disaster of my cream cracker world record attempt, it was time for something completely different.

In a new world of social networking on the internet, finding and meeting five of my namesakes seemed an easy enough task.

And so after scouring the usual web suspects - one beginning with Face,' one with My', the next with Beb' and the following with er telephone book', I drew up a list of five Dan Keels.

I sent messages to all of them explaining my predicament and even forwarded them a link to my cream cracker video to prove they had nothing to fear from such a down-to-earth approachable kind of guy like myself. Didn't want them to think I was some kind of weirdo!

Unfortunately, after getting very excited about two Dan Keels in Cardiff, they turned out to be me - at my old university address. Meanwhile, two others did not reply, and the fifth, who did, was from the US of A. Yee hah.

Dan Keel, age 22, from New Jersey, who loves listening to Linkin Park and fixing up his truck, loved my idea. But the generous offer of a beer and burger, paid for by News Shopper, was not enough to persuade him to fly to London. Selfish fattie.

I was left sending emails to everyone I knew advertising my new internet group entitled - Do You Know Someone Called Dan Keel?

After ploughing through numerous replies which simply said "Yeah you" - ha ha - I found three friends-of-friends who offered to officially change their name to Dan Keel. What a genius idea!

However, once again my excitement was short-lived as the Dan Dares budget could not stretch this far - credit crunch you see.

A fee of £34 doesn't seem too much money for such a worthwhile cause, but assuming they wanted their name changed back afterwards - the fee would double to £68.

I began contemplating hanging around hospitals begging mothers to name their newborn child Dan Keel. But with just two days left before my challenge deadline - I received a reply from Dan Keel in Dorset, a 22-year-old student, who loves Danni Minogue and owns a mini.

He agreed to meet me at a pub in London.

I was so nervous. What should I wear? What should I say? Even worse - What if he doesn't drink?

But all my worries were without cause. The little git stood me up.

For three hours I sat alone waiting for Dan Keel to show up. He didn't reply to my texts asking his whereabouts, and has not replied to my emails since.

I bet he and his smelly, lazy student friends had a right little laugh at this funny little stunt.

Well if he wants to see how much emotional pain he caused me, he can watch the Dan Dares 2 video

For my next Dare I will be running a 13-mile half-marathon with just three weeks of training - instead of the recommended four months.

If you would like to sponsor, me please send a cheque to Greenwich Starting Blocks, 31 Thomas Street, Woolwich, London, SE18 6HU. Please make cheques payable to Greenwich Starting Blocks.

To check out my progress click here