Greenwich Council has said that a Thames car park rave in Charlton was “not deemed a nuisance” – despite it coming under criticism for being “madly loud” on social media.

Rave in the Car Park is a regular event taking place at a car park in Herringham Road – with the latest events taking place on Fridays and Saturdays.

The noise levels of one of the recent events, which took place on Saturday, February 18, between 8pm and 4am, provoked concerns on social media with some saying they had a “disturbed night”.

However, a spokesperson from Greenwich Council said the level of noise from the site was not deemed a statutory nuisance, but council officers are liaising with several residents to resolve the issues experienced.

The event is situated in a busy industrial area near several other businesses and borders the river facing Silvertown.

At 11.25pm on February 18, one person took to Twitter to claim to say that they could hear the car park rave going on.

@MsMusicBrady wrote: “Is that car park rave on tonight?

“I’m sure that’s what I can hear.

“I need to take note of when they’re on so I can stay elsewhere lol”.

David Thompson claimed that the noise, which he blamed on the event, had led to a disturbed night.

@Davidpeeps wrote: “Household just waking up after another disturbed night courtesy of @Royal_Greenwich decision to allow a repeat rave in the Thames Barrier Car Park.”

Another Tweeter claimed that the noise levels in the area were “madly loud” and that an application for a permanent licence had been withdrawn after “many objections”.

@MaryonWilsonSE7 wrote: “If you’re in Charlton #se7 & can hear what sounds like a madly loud RAVE, that will be the madly loud RAVE on to 4am in a car park near the Thames Barrier.

“Same firm recently attempted to get a licence for 3 nights every week til 4am.

“Application withdrawn after many objections”.

Another Tweeter said that he had called to report the noise but was informed that it was not a result of the event and that the source of the noise was unknown.

@whatfredisays wrote: “Called and reported and noise complaints are saying it isn't them and they can't find where it's coming from”.

However, a further tweet from the same Twitter user suggested that the noise levels in the area were a consistent issue, although he claimed that Saturday was “the worst”.

@whatfreddiesays wrote; “It's every single night, but last night was the worst!

A spokesperson for Greenwich Council said the event was subject to a temporary event notice, and that these are automatically granted by legislation unless any objections are received from statutory agencies.

They added that in this case, no objections were received and therefore the event was allowed to proceed.

A spokesperson for Rave in the Car Park said the application was withdrawn not because of objections, but after learning of the upcoming development in the area due to start in the coming year.

Rave in the Car Park said it was previously unaware of any complaints and had been advised by the council that the noise pollution was not deemed to be a nuisance.

A spokesperson further added that the rave took place in a busy area with several other events going on in the surrounding area, which may have been the cause of the noise pollution.

An application for a longer-term, full licence was submitted by the organisation, however it has since been withdrawn.

A Greenwich Council spokesperson said: "This event was subject to a temporary event notice (TEN).

“These are automatically granted by legislation unless any objections are received from statutory agencies.

“In this case, no objections were received and therefore the event was allowed to proceed.

“Council officers attended on Saturday 18 February to monitor the event due to concerns raised about noise levels.

“The level of noise from the site was not deemed a statutory nuisance, but council officers are liaising with local council and several residents to resolve the issues experienced.

“An application for a longer-term, full licence submitted by the organisers of the car park music event has since been withdrawn.

"Royal Greenwich and the Metropolitan Police take resident complaints seriously and will deal with unlicensed or non-compliant music events as robustly as possible.

“We encourage residents to report any issues to us so they can be investigated where appropriate.

“You can do so at”.

A spokesperson for Rave In The Car Park said: “Any events we do are fully licenced insured and inspected by the council and police who we work and communicate closely with.

“This is the first we have herd of this and it unfortunately it could not be us as our main sound system is inside.

“There are two other outdoor venues on the same industrial estate that operate seven days a week and create a lot of traffic and noise.

“Three massive outdoor night clubs across the river in the Newham Docks area when the weather and air pressure changes their sound is carried across from the other side also lots of boat parties going up and down the river."