A BOROUGH'S first ever local assembly has attracted around 200 people.

The Sydenham assembly was held at the Naborhood Centre (CORR), Sydenham Road, on March 6.

It was the first of Lewisham's Local Assemblies, which are being introduced across the borough allowing residents to have their say over improvements to their area.

It was chaired by Councillor Chris Best, ward councillor, who joined in round table discussions on the highs and lows of living in Sydenham.

Volunteers also agreed to join a coordinating group which will plan the next assembly meeting in June.

A summary of the main issues raised at the assembly will be used to make a priority plan to be submitted to the council for action.

The second assembly will be held in Grove Park from 7.30pm to 9.30pm on March 17 March at the W G Grace Community Centre.

Lewisham Council's cabinet member for community services Chris Best, said: "The idea of these assemblies is to provide a relaxed and informal setting for local people to let the Council and other service partners know what they think and what they want.

"We want to build closer and stronger relationships with everyone who cares about the place in which they live."