Last weekend, I was part of a huge event in Orpington to help clear up the town, help the people, or just cheer them up.

Not so spectacular, until you realise that it was free - and that we were volunteers.

Now, people usually turn their noses up at the prospect of community service, or doing anything for nothing.

Personally, I don't have a problem with it, if you are happy in what you are doing, and it's you who is doing the volunteering, that you are not being pushed into it.

I spent my whole weekend simply walking, picking up litter, and talking to people, because I wanted to.

It is nice to have the feeling that you have at least made a small difference in someone's life, and that even if it does not last long, then at least you did something to help someone in need.

And there is plenty to do! Whether it is taking out old furniture to a skip for the elderly or infirm, packing people's shopping for them or just talking about their lives, there is lots that you can do to make someone else feel good for a change.

The rewards, of course, are only in you. If you can get joy from helping people, then this will probably be a good way to spend your time. If you, however, don't particularly like people, it is probably not a good idea to try and help them.

Just think about it Wouldn't you like to have one of those "teens that I heard are really nasty, the whole lot of them" come up and help you carry your shopping to the car, or give that car a free wash?

Think about it. Think about volunteering. Be a hero to someone.