ANTI-SOCIAL behaviour has come top of the Bexley public's wish list for police action in the coming year.

For the first time this year, Bexley's police chief Chief Superintendent Tony Dawson decided to consult the public before deciding on the borough's policing priorities for 2008/9.

Bexley became the first borough in the Met to publish its analysis of trends and patterns of crime in the borough and invite the public to participate in the annual setting of police priorities.

This was followed by a public workshop, organised by the borough's Police/Community Consultative Group.

People also had the chance to email their comments and suggestions to Bexley police.

The priorities, set by the police in consultation with Bexley's Community Safety Partnership, mirror those which emerged from the public workshop.

Alcohol-fuelled anti-social behaviour topped the list, followed by anti-social behaviour associated with groups of young people.

The other two priorities for the year are residential burglaries and assaults.

Bexley councillor Katie Perrior, cabinet member for community affairs, said: "Bexley residents and businesses have been absolutely clear anti- social behaviour is their number one concern.

"We will continue to take action against licensees who sell alcohol to children, and will deal firmly with people whose behaviour threatens others by making good use of Acceptable Behaviour Contracts and anti-social behaviour orders."

Mr Dawson thanked everyone who responded to the invitation to participate.

He said he felt the priorities set by the partnership reflected the needs and concerns of Bexley people.

Mr Dawson said: "We have listened, and heard anti-social behaviour is where the community wants us to direct our resources, in addition to the key offences of residential burglaries and assaults."

Cllr Perrior added anyone who felt there was more Bexley could be doing to clamp down on anti-social behaviour can call her on 020 8294 6152 or email their suggestions to