AT A recent meeting, Lady Percival outlined the care provided for the elderly at The Abbeyfield Bromley Society where residents enjoy companionship, privacy, independence, security and support.

Accommodation is in small units to create a family atmosphere, which is the ethos of the group.

Since the 1950s, when founder Richard Carr-Gomm saw the need for such facilities, this organisation has spread nationally and internationally.

Dedicated staff and volunteers are valued and new members are always welcome.

Following a tea break, members were then joined by two Police Community Support Officers who patrol the Hayes and Coney Hall neighbourhood.

They explained their duties, home security and any problems in the area.

Members were reassured their patch is well covered, safety was under control and graffiti is quickly removed.

The next meeting is at 7.45 pm on February 27 at Rosary Catholic Church Hall, Hayes, when Miss Eva Prokop will talk about Greening of Bromley.

To find out more information, call 020 8777 1873.