The red warning for high counts of pollen is still in place and so if you are still sniffly here is what you can do to alleviate the discomfort.

The red warning is due to the very high levels of grass pollen in the air and after a hot and humid weekend, those with hay fever and asthma are suffering.

A Met Office spokesman said: “The grass pollen risk will be increasing to very high levels during the week ahead. Spore and weed levels will be elevated too.”

For most, pollen is harmless, but if you have an allergy then your immune system overreacts and produces histamines.

For many people with asthma, this release of histamines when they have hay fever makes asthma symptoms worse.

So, what can you do to feel better in a world full of pollen?

Put vaseline around your nostrils to trap pollen

Wear wrap around sunglasses when you go out

Avoid going out first thing in the morning and late in the evening

Shower and change your clothes when you have been outside.

Keep windows and doors shut as much as possible

Vacuum regularly and dust with a damp cloth

Buy a pollen filter for the air vents in your car

Dry clothes inside

Smoking and drinking alcohol will make your symptoms worse - so stay away from both

Stock up on nasal sprays/eye drops/antihistamine

See your GP