Families are invited to come along and enjoy some Roman summer next month.

Crofton Roma Villa is hosting a Roman Food and Feasting event every Wednesday and Friday in August for children.

Visitors are able to make sweets, design their own feast menu cards and discover the secrets of Roman bath times.

You are also able to use your knowledge to do a quiz, make a game and colour in a Roman bath time picture.

Admission is £4 per child with adult carers going for free. Sessions are from 10:30am to 2pm with no booking needed.

Children must be accompanied.

Parking is available off York Rise, adjacent to Orpington railway station. For more information, visit: www.cka.org.uk/crofton-villa.htm

You can also contact organisers at crofton.roman.villa@gmail.com or phone either 01689 860 939 or 07805 138 465.