WOOL'S WORTH: Woodlands Ladies Group is appealing for unwanted wool.

The group, which meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 10am at Emmanuel Church Hall, The Grove, West Wickham, will use the wool to make baby jackets and bonnets for premature baby units. Call Pat East on 020 8650 1550.

NET SEMINAR: Businesses can learn how to make money online at a free seminar between 10am and 1pm today. The event, which is organised by business support agency South East Enterprise and Bromley Council, takes place in the Civic Centre, Stockwell Close, Bromley. Call Joanne Brien on 020 8305 2222.

PARKINSON'S EVENT: The Bromley and district branch of the Parkinson's Disease Society is holding its general meeting at the MS Hall, Freelands Grove, Bromley, on Saturday at 2pm. Call Lawrie Baker on 07775 876802.

RESIDENTS MEET: Petts Wood and District Residents' Association holds its general meeting on March 20 at the Memorial Hall, Woodland Way, Petts Wood. Refreshments will be served.

FREE EXHIBITION: Croydon Art Society's exhibition at Bromley Central Library, High Street, Bromley, runs until March 13. It is open during library hours and admission is free. Call 020 8460 9955.