You have the chance to grill your future MP when the Charlton Society holds its first ever General Election hustings.

The event takes place on April 25 at  2.30pm in the Charlton Village Assembly Rooms and will see each candidate for the Greenwich and Woolwich seat make an opening statement, followed by questions from the audience.

Society secretary Roden Richardson said: "This is the first general election hustings that the Charlton Society has ever held.  Following on from our two very successful local election hustings held last May, we hope this will be an afternoon of lively debate.  

"It’s exactly the sort of thing that we should be doing to engage and excite the Charlton community. 

"Voters will have the chance to meet and question all the people putting themselves forward to be our next MP in perhaps the most important general election for a generation."   

The event is free and open to all.