If anyone is going to teach us Spanish, we'd rather it Vinnie Jones.

There is something hypnotically wonderful about being taught a language by everyone’s favourite hard-man footballer turned actor.

Sure, it’s a big old ad for mobile phone network Three but it’s a hell of a lot of fun and you never know, you might learn something.

Vinnie Jones’ Essential Spanish Phrases


English: Hi, my name’s Vinnie, what’s yours?

Spanish: Hola, me llamo Vinnie, ¿ y tú?


English: Alright sunshine, how you keeping?

Spanish: Hola cielo, cómo te va?


English: Morning my friend, you seen the temperature today?

Spanish: Buenos días amigo, ¿has visto la temperatura hoy?


English: Which way to the beach? I need to sort my tan out

Spanish: ¿Por dónde se va a la playa? Tengo que ponerme más moreno.


English: Oi, come over here and get in this selfie mate

Spanish: ¡Eh, tío! Ven aquí para que salgas en este selfie.


English: Excuse me pal, can I have another beer please?

Spanish: Oye, ¿me das otra cerveza por favor?


English: Is it okay if I got your number?

Spanish: ¿Podrías darme tu número?


English: Wow, slow it down, I don’t speak much Spanish

Spanish: Uy, más despacio, que no hablo mucho español.