DARTFORD Council is due to freeze council tax again when councillors meet for the annual budget tonight. It will mean that the borough’s council tax has been at the same level since 2010.

Council leader Jeremy Kite said: "I see that many other councils are putting tax up this year but I think we have a responsibility to help hard-pressed families. Too many councils forget how hard it is for taxpayers to earn money in the first place and our whole council is dedicated to treating their hard-earned money with great care."

"Nor do I believe that councils need to cut services. If there are cuts to be made they should be made here at the Civic Centre and I’m pleased to say we will continue to provide our great services although we are always seeking smarter ways of working."

"It’s worth remembering that council tax rises are cumulative so keeping our tax at the same rate for so many years has meant significant amounts of money has remained in the hands of local taxpayers."