Avante Care and Support (part of Avante Partnership) is one of the largest non-profit providers of care homes, with 15 locations in London and the South East of England and they specialise in dementia care.

At the heart of their work is their Philosophy of Care, where they encourage social interaction, engagement and the eradication of boredom.

They help develop interests and hobbies within their homes and provide as many opportunities to meet and make new friends. This is all part of the group adopting The Eden Alternative which is a powerful tool for improving quality of life and quality of care for those living in care homes.

Avante Care and Support is mindful of the strain dementia puts onto families who care full time for a relative.

The My Time package of support provides short-term respite care, allowing carers looking after their family members to take a much-needed break.

My Time service user A Fletcher said: "I became a full-time carer for my 83-year-old mum with dementia. Although it was a privilege to spend time with such a lovely lady, it was incredibly draining due to her condition.

"I initially found respite at the local day centre where I was able to take mum for a few hours most days. The staff were very caring but sadly due to mum's dementia she was unable to interact with the other attendees. I decided she needed somewhere to go where she could receive more dementia focused attention, and I found that with My Time at Avante Care and Support."

Cedric Frederick, chief executive for Avante Partnership, said: "Many carers feel guilty about taking time away from caring for their loved ones. My Time allows them to take an hour, a day or a longer to re-charge their batteries and their relationships with other family members and friends.”

Avante Care and Support has also strengthened its team of experts to further offer the best service to its clients.

Anne Child, a specialist in the study of dementia medication management and recently appointed as consultant to the Care Quality Commission, brings a wealth of experience to Avante Partnership, improving lives through careful management of residents' medication.

Anne said: "My work ethic and purpose is to be someone who makes a real difference to people and their care. I am passionate about the care of the elderly and those with dementia who become residents in care homes. I fully support Avante’s belief that medication should be the servant of care and support, and never its master.”

Mr Frederick added: "Excellent care is at the heart of what we do. Initiatives like "My Time" and the appointment of sector-leading experts like Anne are testament to our commitment to being the best we can be. Anne’s appointment as our head of pharmaceutical care and clinical standards has strengthened our commitment to our service users and their families and we are continuing through innovation and learning to improve the care we offer.”