Tom O’Neil, 44 years old, from Halstead

Why this design?

Paddy was our family dog. The kids grew up with him, they loved riding on his back.
Unfortunately, Paddy died long before his time, breaking many hearts when he went. This tattoo, I feel, is a suitable memorial to a rubbish guard dog, but a great friend.

How much did it cost?


Did it hurt? What did it feel like?

Yes.  But it was well worth the pain.

What did your friends say?

They couldn’t believe the likeness.

Have you got any more? If so what and where are they?

I have one other tattoo on my left upper arm. It is three Chinese symbols  - I love you - and my wife and children’s names written around them.

Tom’s tattoo was done by Peter Balla at Demon Inkorporation in Bellegrove Road, Welling.

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