LEWISHAM Hospital will re-open to visitors today.

Visiting restrictions were put in place to restrict the spread of the winter vomiting bug and protect patients and staff. 

The hospital asks that members of the public do not visit the hospital if they have had any symptoms of diarrhoea and vomiting in the last three days.

Should there be a rise in patients suffering from diarrhoea and vomiting the hospital will consider reinstating the visiting restrictions.

Director of Operations and Nursing at Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust Claire Champion said:
“We would like to thank everyone who has cooperated with this restriction.

"We recognise the value of visiting to our patients and so the decision to restrict visitors was not taken lightly.  However, we believe that acting quickly has enabled us to restrict the spread of the bug within the hospital and help protect our patients, visitors and staff.”

If you are suffering from the winter vomiting bug you should stay at home and not visit your GP or A&E. This is because it is highly contagious and there is nothing the doctor can do while you have it.

However, contact your GP to seek advice if your symptoms last longer than a few days or if you already have a serious illness.
For more information on norovirus, visit nhs.uk/conditions/Norovirus/Pages/Introduction.aspx