PEOPLE say the funniest and strangest things – and here’s proof from a quick trip to Bromley.

Reporter Tom Jasper overheard some bizarre snippets of conversations.

Here is a selection of quotes he picked up:


Boy number 1: “Mate, hold up...I've got to go in Game quickly."

Boy number 2: “What for?”

Boy number 1: “ mainly.”


Wife: “I'm surprised about how cheap that all was!"

Husband: "Well, it was definitely on the cards."


A lady on the phone to her husband. She looks up and claims: "No, no I don't think it's snowing anymore" before she realises she's actually in a Costa and all she can see is ceiling.

Two elderly women are walking along and one of them mistakenly fails to identify the coffee beans on the Costa logo.

Woman number 1: “Look at those nuts!”

Woman number 2: “I think the people drinking coffee will take offence to that!”


Husband sees the shop sign and begins to hum The Entertainer theme.

Wife: "Why on earth are you humming that song from the circus?"


A man has just emerged from the kiosk.

Man: “Here you go darling, got you a muffin.”

Woman: “Is it low-fat though?”

Man: “No idea, eat it and find out.”

Then ...

Mum: "I can't believe the trains are being delayed, I mean there's SO MUCH SNOW!"

Daughter: "What do you mean, there's no snow at all?"

Mum: "I'll need to teach you sarcasm, young lady.”

What funny or strange things have you heard people say? Add your comments below ...