A SWANLEY secondary school has hit YouTube stardom with 5,000 views of its take on the Harlem Shake.

Orchards Academy, in St Mary’s Road, performed and recorded a Harlem Shake video on Friday before posting it on the internet.

By this morning the video had hit 5,140 views, much to the surprise of school children and staff.

Year 7 student Stacey said: “It was hilarious and fun, I hope we can do something similar next year.”

The video was performed on school grounds by 500 pupils, who each donated £1 to charity to take part and wear their own clothes.

Other fundraising during the day included sponsored silences and cake stalls, raising over £250 so far.

History teacher and video director Daniel Penn said: “The kids really enjoyed doing something a bit different.

“The whole day was great, it couldn’t have happened on any other day than a Friday afternoon.”