PLANS to develop Ladywell's shopping areas have been put on show by Lewisham Council.

Based on work by the Ladywell Village Improvement Group, the proposed changes to Ladywell Road and Algernon Road aim to improve the retail environment without restricting traffic flow, the council says.

It would see new trees, seating, extensive road resurfacing and wider pavements to make the area more pedestrian-friendly.

The plans are on display at the Wearside Service Centre, Wearside Road, from 9am to 5pm until December 21.

They will also be discussed at the next Ladywell Aseembly meeting on December 6 at St Andrews Centre, Brockley Road, from 7pm to 9pm.

£800,000 has been secured from Transport for London to implement the scheme over two financial years.

To have your say on the plans, call Imogen Payami on 020 8314 2235 or email

If you would like to inspect the plans with council staff present to answer questions, you can visit the reception area of the council offices at Wearside Service Centre, Wearside Road, SE13 7EZ, from 4–8pm on Friday, November 30 or 10am–2pm on Saturday, December.1, or the foyer of Ladywell Station, from 10am–2pm on Saturday, December 8 (still to be confirmed).