HUNDREDS of schoolchildren learnt more about healthy lifestyles at an annual conference held at Bexley Council’s headquarters.

Youngsters from 23 schools across the borough headed to the Article 12 Conference where they took part in workshops based around the chosen theme of Healthy Heads and Brilliant Bodies.

They tried their hand at food labelling, considering food portion sizes, learnt about dental care and were warned about the dangers of smoking.

Year five pupil at Lessness Heath Primary School, Anastasia Gorman, said: “I loved all the workshops, I learnt a lot and my favourite was the healthy teeth workshop.”

Ten-year-old Belmont Primary School student Lewis Caan added: “I liked discussing the different topics and meeting other children from different schools.”

The conference is named after Article 12 of the United Nations Convention, which says children have the right to participate in decision-making relevant to their lives.