SOUTH London Healthcare Trust is warning people to stay away if they experience symptoms of the norovirus after an affected visitor vomited at one of the wards.

South London Healthcare Trust, whose sites include Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Queen Mary's and the Pru, says there have been a "handful" of cases at each place recently.

The trust advises people who have had diarrhoea or vomiting in the previous three days to stay away from hospital, whether as a patient or visitor.

Parents should also keep affected children away from school, nursery, playgroup or childminding services whilst they are unwell and for 48 hours after the child has recovered.

There is no specific treatment for the illness but sufferers should drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration.

The virus is easily spread from person to person therefore individuals should wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water after contact with an affected person or environment.

If you need further advice for yourself or your family, contact your GP or pharmacist.

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