DARTFORD’S Joyden’s Wood could be transformed into ancient English woodland after a new grant was awarded to the Woodland Trust.

The money will initiate an 18-month project that will see trees and paths cleared to allow heathland, flora and fauna to grow in the area.

The £8,848 grant was made by SITA Trust, a natural environment and community life company.

The hope is that butterflies, lesser-spotted woodpeckers and greater horseshoe bats will return to the area.

Woodland Trust site manager, Simon Bateman, said: "Thanks to the funding from SITA Trust we can do our best to encourage wildlife to make Joyden's Wood home.

“Non-native conifer plantations can have a particularly negative impact on the ecology of ancient woodland, especially from the amount of shade and leaf litter they cast.

"It cuts out the light to surviving broadleaved trees and the delicate plants below.”