AN ARTICULATED lorry driver had to be escorted by police after "destroying anything in his way" down a small Dartford residential road.

Last Saturday (October 20) at around 12.30pm the dozy driver ran into trouble as he drove along Brentlands Drive, which loops back round to itself via Princes View and Marina Drive.

Christine Kirk, who witnessed the incident, said: "It's not unusual for a lorry to take a wrong turning down this road, but all have reversed before it was too late.

"Whereas this driver decided to carry on down and round the roads, destroying anything in his way - not caring, or stopping."

The 20-year-old added: "He caused damage to a fence - as he mounted the pavement he knocked it down - carrying on and hitting nearly every car down Marina Drive.

"He smashed into the back of the first car, breaking the back window and causing possible structural damage, before knocking the left wheel of a car and damaging the side and wing mirror.

"He also scratched windows and doors along the road."

Miss Kirk says her mum and sister stood in front of the lorry to stop him going further while someone else took his keys off him and waited for police to arrive.

A Kent Police spokesman said: "A lorry was reported to have been in a collision with six other parked vehicles and is believed to have hit a wall and a fence.

"The lorry was stuck in the road and was reported to have been blocking the road.

"Officers helped escort the lorry to a loading bay and the road was cleared at about 2.15pm.

"The lorry driver was issued with two graduated fixed penalty notices, each for £300.

"One was issued for careless driving and the other for failing to stop at the scene of a road traffic accident."