Are you someone who throws up in your mouth a little whenever you hear phrases such as ‘thinking outside the box’ or ‘peel the onion’?

If so, brace yourself – because a new generation of nonsense sayings you’ll soon grow to hate has just been unleashed.

After a survey of 2,000 business travellers revealed even corporate folk can’t stand jargon like ‘catching up offline’ and ‘blue sky thinking’, London company Amba Hotels and language expert Adam Jacot de Boinod have compiled a list of alternative terms felt to be more relevant and acceptable in a modern setting.

Unfortunately the new top 10 buzzwords, based on guests’ suggestions, are every bit as nerve-grating and rage/vomit-inducing as the gibberish they are intended to replace.


Experience the full horror below – and you have our utmost sympathy if you are subjected to any of this terrible lingo in a meeting or email:

  • Bacon wrap - when you take something good and elevate it to excellence by changing it or adding value to it.
  • Buffling - speaking at length and off the point in a business context.
  • Derp - a simple, undefined reply when an ignorant comment or action is made.
  • Dumbwalking - walking slowly, without paying attention to the world around you because you are on a smartphone.
  • Humblebrag - the practice of saying something apparently modest which is really intended to boast – “Just stepped in gum. Who spits gum on a red carpet.”
  • Nomophobia - fear of being without your mobile phone.
  • Power paunch - a large stomach worn proudly as a badge of status.
  • Qwerty nosedive - falling asleep at the keyboard.
  • Sunlighting - doing a very different job on one day of the working week.
  • Underbrag - a boast which consists of openly admitting to failings to prove you are confident enough not to care what others think of you.

These ‘hot’ new phrases along more traditional management-speak are included in the Amba Hotels’ Bacon Wrap book designed to help people navigate their way through everyday business jargon.