“IT WAS like we just went away for the weekend,” said Pauline Quirke about reuniting with her Birds of a Feather cast mates after 14 years.

The popular sitcom, which ran for more than 100 episodes from 1989 to 1998, has been revived in a stage show and is coming to Bromley’s Churchill Theatre from Monday, June 4 until Saturday, June 9.

All three of the original cast - Pauline Quirke who played Sharon Theodopolopoudos, Linda Robson who played Tracy Stubbs and Lesley Joseph, as Dorien Green - have returned for the 17-week nationwide run.

Chatting to Freetime, Pauline, 52, said: “It was like we had never been apart.

“It is no different whatsoever, except we are all 14 years older.”

“Linda and I have been friends all our lives, we went to primary school together, so I have seen a lot of Linda. I usually meet up with Lesley at the Chelsea Flower Show.”

Pauline said Bromley is as close as the tour goes to where she grew up in East London, although she fears traffic may prevent her from staying north of the river.

She said: “It might take longer than getting to Birmingham each day, so I may have to stay locally. I’m going to see how it goes.”

And fans may even spot Pauline and Linda enjoying some retail therapy at The Glades in their spare time.

“Me and Linda love a bit of shopping,” she said. “I’m sure me and Linda will have a little trip around The Glades when we get a chance.”

The tour is ten weeks in, having begun in February.

“It has gone so well, people are loving it,” Pauline said. “They’re obviously fans of the TV series and they have not been disappointed because it is the way people remember it.

“I haven’t done stage for over 24 years, but Linda and Lesley have done a lot of theatre over the years, so I was the new girl.

“It has not been as terrifying as I thought it was going to be.

“It is lovely to get the reaction from the audience.”

While it is familiar, Pauline insists the show is fresh thanks to the work of the writers who worked on the original.

She said: “There are lots more modern references and we have also got Tracey’s son Travis who is a new character.”

Travis is being played by Linda’s son Louis and her own son Charlie and Pauline said it is “lovely” having their offspring on set.

The story picks up 14 years after the series ended with Sharon and Tracey still living together, though they have not seen Dorien since the last episode.

“It is a really good story. I have got to say the writers have done us proud,” said Pauline.

The script, as well as enough room for manoeuvre in the actresses’ diaries, was a prime factor in the decision to bring the show back.

And now there is talk of another tour next year, interest from Australia and even discussion about a new TV series.

Pauline said: “I’m going to have a nice little holiday when I finish this. It has been fairly tiring and I’m getting on a bit. We will see what happens.”

Birds of a Feather: Live on Stage runs from Monday, June 4 to Saturday, June 9 at 7.45pm with matinee performances on Thursday and Sunday at 2.30pm. Tickets are £15 to £29. Go to atgtickets.com/bromley.