Auditions are being held on Friday to find two young performers who will become Greenwich Theatre’s next junior artists in residence.

The year-round programme of opportunities — relaunched in conjunction with Thames Gateway property investor and developer Tilfen Land — will be scheduled to run alongside education or employment and will range from performing on stage at the theatre, participating in a range of professional training workshops and joining the professional company for the theatre’s Cultural Olympiad 2009 production at Charlton House in July.

Candidates should be aged 14 to 19 and live or study in Bexley or Greenwich.

News Shopper: GREENWICH: Theatre's search for junior artists in residence

James Haddrell, director of Greenwich Theatre, said: “It is always a privilege to work with the talented young people from the local area, whether we are helping them develop skills for the theatre industry or using theatre to unlock their potential in other areas.

“However, one of the challenges is always to maintain a year-round relationship with our participants, as each programme tends to be of a finite length. Thanks to Tilfen Land we will now be able to work with two young people on a rolling basis for a full year, making a real difference to their prospects and offering genuine support in their search for training or employment in this industry.”

Auditions on June 5 to book your audition place, contact Susan Winter, Greenwich Theatre projects co-ordinator on 020 8858 4447.