Drink **** Decor *** Price **** Atmosphere *** Staff ****

OMNIPOTENCE is a pretty tricky super power to develop but I have managed to perfect the ability.

So although I am actually sunning myself in Hawaii, while bikini-clad barmaids massage real ale-scented sun cream into my back, my doppelganger continues to consume copious amounts of beer in local boozers. But as sci-fi fans will know, cloning doesn’t come without consequences.

In my case it meant the loss of my taste for ale.

So despite Skehans’ ample supply of my favourite tipple, supping on a pint of the Westgate Brewery’s Flankers Tackle (£2.90) was more like sucking on a pair of sweaty gym socks than drinking a glass of heavenly nectar.

Despite the barmaid assuring me Flankers was a favourite with regulars, the Hoegaarden (£3.90) was a more satisfying, though pricey, thirst quencher.

Whatever your alcoholic beverage, the boozer had a saloon-like feel to it with antique beer tankards above the bar and a large pool table tucked away at the back.

The usual mix of bored pensioners and thirsty passers-by made up the pub’s punters when I visited.

And although there’s enough room to swing a panther, the cheesy 70s love songs being played won’t get any youngsters burning up the dance floor, even if they had one.

It might explain why one eccentric drinker brought along his personal stereo and proceeded to literally dance to his own tune.

One of the pub’s main draws is its Thai restaurant.

Having visited too early for food I was left salivating at the choice of delicious dishes listed on the menu.

But even if you are only looking for a relaxed drink with friendly folk, Skehans won’t disappoint.