Find out what colour palette to base your make-up bag upon with our simple skin tone guide...


Your overall look is pale and delicate. The undertone of your colouring can be warm, with golden tints to your hair and a few freckles on your skin, or cool, with ash tones to your hair and a slight pinkish tint to your skin.

Medium grey, light navy, cocoa and taupe for neutrals. Pastel pink, geranium, sky blue and apple green for accents.


Your skin can be porcelain to black but all your features – hair, eyebrows, eyes and lashes – are dark and defined so your make-up should be similarly deep and rich in tone.

Black, aubergine, chocolate and pine for neutrals. Royal purple, scarlet, emerald green and true blue for accents.


You’re the golden girl of complexions with skin tone ranging from porcelain with freckles to golden brown. Auburn hair tones go as light as strawberry blonde to dark rich red.

Bronze, olive, pewter and camel for neutrals. Apricot, primrose, terracotta and lime for accents.


You have blue, grey or cool brown eyes and ash tones to your hair, be it blonde, white, grey, salt and pepper, dark brown or black. Your colouring may have become cooler as you’ve aged.

Charcoal, dark navy, spruce and purple for neutrals. Light teal, rose pink, cornflower and blue red for accents.


Your most outstanding features are your eyes, which are highlighted because of the contrast to your dark hair. They will have a clear, jewel-like quality to them.

Black, black brown, royal blue and soft white for neutrals. Blush pink, ruby, Chinese blue and evergreen for accents.


You may have found a little of yourself in each of the previous colouring types, but didn’t fit exactly. You have medium depth of skin tone, blonde to dark brown eyebrows and mousy blonde to light brown hair – often with highlights.

Rose brown, charcoal, charcoal blue and stone for neutrals. Claret, sage, soft violet and lavender for accents.