Apprehensively stumbling across the ice at Greenwich Ice Rink, I cling to my partner as he happily drags me across the twinkly frozen surface. Couples and teenagers swing by at full force, giggling hysterically.

A soft drizzle falls on excitable skaters. Shrieks of laughter and tinkly Christmas tunes fill the cold air.

Paranoid, I begin to wonder if my pitiful skating abilities attracted the chuckles. Perhaps I was failing miserably to maintain a Torvill and Dean-like elegance nonetheless this is a seasonal pastime I could not miss.

With the twinkling lights from the simply decorated rink-side Christmas tree to the wonderful views of the Queens House within the Old Royal Naval College, Greenwich, I was reaching festive highs.

Sporting a wonderfully bright pillar box red Santa hat, and, far from flattering, luminous orange boots I soon dispelled any previous inhibitions, racing with fervour and picking up quite an impressive speed.

Crashing into me, laughing in excitement one enthused skater told me: "This is the second time I have been to the rink and despite the rain, I am loving it."

With a bevy of stunning London buildings housing ice rinks across the City to choose from, you would be mad to miss the intimate rink at Greenwich, snugly placed a good distance away from the frenzied Christmas shoppers, catering for those hopeless romantics, bored teenagers right through to the whole family.

Visitors can enjoy an hour session, on the 750 square metres rink which accommodate a surprising 250 skaters, while taking in views of the stunning Queen's House, Greenwich Observatory and across the Thames to Canary Wharf.

One hour later feeling slightly blinded by the garish orange boots, slightly damp and aching, I head to the on-site cafe for the perfect finish to an hour of pure fun - a large glass of mulled wine accompanied by a mince pie.

Ahhh, it's a wonderful life.

Greenwich Ice Rink, Old Royal Naval College, Greenwich. Open until Jan 13. For further details, call 0870 169 0101.